Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brazilian Big Boobs Old Womens

Hello everyone!

Actually is a bit 'that I think if you make a post rissuntivo of how I spent these days or not?
Apart from the usual routine of work, children, home and husband here with me there was a succession of unpleasant things, but I did not want to talk about sad things, revolutions and building ...

I will tell you of my work at home!

I have told, or maybe not, that I overlooked in this beautiful summer garden in a drastic way and especially a small aiuoletta beside my house!

say that, having no desire to do something, I put the blinders on special transparent which allowed me not to see the drama that was taking a few steps from the front door.
At some point, however, began to turn the strange animals ... and many were clamoring for better maintenance of their habitat!
You are faint of heart? So do not go
below, show an 'image that could cause a shock!

Note that in the tangle of "thorns" is a hollow trunk of a poplar tree that held the flowers ...
not you see?
Of course, it is buried by weeds!!

At one point my husband has no more right this disconcerting vision and taking advantage of a moment of inattention on my part, I have radically transformed the bed ...!

So with the addition of my feminine touch (maddecheeeee!!) And a map, so now aiuoletta:
Tadaaaaaaan! A big step forward, do not you?

And then we're going to do a pergola in front of the door ... for what some have hired a specialist firm, but we are working to widen the sidewalk.
think that I just spent the past weekend with a shovel in hand and next to betomiera do much to make concrete (in fact all about the hands of the husband) to be covered with a slab of clinker tiles the same as the picture above.
(Sorry if I use the terms "technical", but to give you proof that I'm not invent everything! ^___^)
And so this morning in front of my house is like this:

(The screed we keep it covered because otherwise gets cold, poveriiiino! ^ __ ^ Joke!)

Lately, as you may have realized by now, there has been a great creative period, speaking of beads, in fact I did not really want beads!
So I made very little: a pair of earrings ...

... and then, thanks to dear Pinuccia , also a nice little Father Christmas that I carry with me on the phone!

And then a cute penguin christmas ever seen Blog Pinuccia here, so I tried to reshape the pattern and I did too.

all for now!
I leave and run to work.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cleansesr With Salicylic Acid

Another nice candy!

Hello everyone!
I'm back with another for a long info candy of Jaybijoux !!

Deadline for applications 18 November and the prize is a choice between the beautiful creations of Jessica ... but run to see that, I'm sure, you will certainly try!

I hope, I hope, I hope to have some ' of luck ...
you soon! Nunzia

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bollybood Actress Boobs

Lucia back in the game ...!

Hello everyone!

I wanted to warn you, if I was not the last to find out that Lucy's blog Lufantasygioie organized a delicious candy!

No, there is no dessert on offer but a nice bracelet or, Pearls more fierce, a pattern to create a beautiful bracelet. And there seems little
The peyote bracelets are very beautiful and special, in addition, if you do not want to or not one can, would arrive already done by the super nice and golden hands of Lucy ...
... I have told you: really worth it!
I have launched a fish on the candy as soon as I read it and I signed up!
Now I try to focus my energies to get lucky!

Meanwhile I leave you a pool! Nunzia