Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Do The Cervix Still Be Low If Your Pregnant


Use by law

Microtransmitters, micro cameras, etc.. not necessarily mean "Espionage." In fact many possible uses fully compliant with the law.

Bedbugs, given the high sensitivity 'sound and small size, can be used to

  • control infants in domestic areas.

  • Uses experimental or teaching in the high frequency.

  • Monitoring for scientific or experimental sounds inaudible to the human ear.

  • Monitoring for scientific or experimental sounds emitted by equipment that can not be approached due to danger.

  • wireless microphone for video (ambient noise of the local area that you are 'taking over when the recovery takes place from a distance with zoom).

  • Aid mixer in the shooting of wild animals, bird-watching, etc..

  • control of the elderly, the sick animal or in a private .

  • control the operation of machinery, even domestic.

  • automated monitoring toxic or harmful.

  • Alarm for home, second home, garage, office, shop and car.

  • determination for your vehicle or movable property.

  • Monitoring uninhabited areas.

  • Radioripetitore distance of ringtones, bells, sound sources, etc.. Placing the "bug" next to a TV for example, we can move freely with a small pocket receiver continuing to follow the program that interests us.

  • radio collar for pets and, if the animal escapes, or if it is wild, it 's possible chase, locate and reach.

  • Radiocintura for children, we can follow the game and travel from home, on the beach and parks.

  • A range endless supply of good-natured jokes to friends and relatives.

    Finally use incredible (but entirely by law): We have heard that bedbugs are also used for experiments on paranormal phenomena. We do not know why, but we would like to know!


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