Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Marriage Invitation Email


There are now several days that Beppe Grillo, in a moment of lucid madness, madness because of it, decided to head to that bunch of rascals, hired, or those communists, Christian democrats, socialists repentant riimpastati PDminusL with water to churn out ... so was a candidate for secretary of the Democratic Party!

But, of course, are doing what we could expect ... a bunch of problems for his candidacy.
It seems that it is registered in a municipality that is not his residence, then your registration is not valid, as well as a good will to join in the party headquarters in his hometown and anxiously await the new aspects ...

To support it, I did something I never thought of doing, I enrolled at the party, something seems suspicious, I know, I know ... but I had to do ... mica can be represented by Franceschini, former demoscristiano from Mock, no, no, no and no ... I refuse rather lose my right to vote, but I also riimpastarmi and end Democrat, EVER !!!!! So

oh you who are disappointed,
oh you who do not feel represented by anyone,
oh you who do not know who to call more, and that there garda around frightened and confused,
oh you who mourn Comrade Berlinguer
oh you who are against ...
... psychodwarf against evil, against the return of nuclear power, in addition to the third generation that is now obsolete and no longer cutting edge in terms of disposal of toxic waste, we also voted in a referendum and we also quorum to say NO,
... against the filth that we are making to the sound of decrees and confidence in parliament, the various logo Alfano, the decree on wiretapping, the introduction of the new crime of illegal immigration, that makes us slide Middle Ages to the humanity, the financial tax shield, that has escaped me that is nothing but 'I am the shield for the shield supermerde of tax evaders, who may well bring their money in Italy evaded taxes and so magically healing them, condone, reuse them, paying only, say, and only 2.5% of the state, and clearly the same household can evaders, those who have not taken money from abroad but they have put under the tile, or in the mattress, so that behind the shield will protect you ... but good thing you do not find that the expression of a great humanitarian!
... against football in the Coliseum against the end of ...
istuzioni, judicial
... against the end of the independence of the three branches of government, we still remember ... conceal those guys. .. the LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL ... they were independent when the republic was born ...
... against the various tricks that the government is organized crime, the reconstruction of the Eagle Eye ...
against the dismantling of public education ... ..

... so I have to say the least

SUPPORT THE ONLY HUMAN PERSON THAT HAS A VALID POLICY AGENDA ... Five Stars of the program and the Charter of Florence ... (andatevelo watching, just click ... there you have to move from home)

... lift our heads to be proud ... ... tTORNIAMO PARTECIPIAMOOOOOOOO !!!!!!

... so I'm actually joining the party!!


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