Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ogg Directshow Filter Removal

CHEF AT YOUR HOME ... AAA suggestions wanted

I'm back here, several days have passed and I finally recovered the use of his left hand in time I would call miraculous !!... my skin is regenerated, is returned to be elastic, but it is still gentle enough ... I cover it with care ... in the end it baby! Quickly

some updates last minute.

During these few days we went back and I from London, my boyfriend from Aquila, the thieves entered the house, robbed us of our poor risparmiucci were in the piggy bank of clay, they gather enough we were in February, for chasing my romantic idea of \u200b\u200bbreaking the piggy bank one day and find many, many pennies for a long trip, maybe to New York ... oh well ... I now have gone back together and managed to start after the thieves !!... There were an unknown number of washing machines and then mountains and mountains of sheets, tablecloths, towels, shirts, t-shirts to be ironed ... well I just finished making the beautiful lavanderina ... so I came back the urge to write .. .

E 'by two weeks since I cook, I do not know when I can take to cook a complete meal from appetizer to dessert, I begin to miss them, I miss the feeling of intimacy I feel when I put myself in the kitchen, intimacy with my hands, which move fast and secure with my thoughts following the thread of the various preparations, I miss the serenity that accompanies me while I cook, it's time where I feel at peace with each internal conflict that always accompanies me, just me, raw materials, and my hands ... there is nothing, no concern, nothing, just me and so many colors and smells and tastes ...

However, even if my hands are still my thoughts run, in search of new inspirations, new ideas, new recipes that are already looking forward to trying ... this is from all this turmoil of thoughts, I took courage, and I decided to give shape to an idea that I hum head for a long time to become a cook for rent.
Let me explain, there are many wealthy people who would love to have their friends over for dinner but can not because they can not cook, I would suggest as the ideal solution to solve this problem, I would go in their rich homes with all my kit kitchen table to put in a gourmet dinner.

In my head, and everything ready on my return home in October, do I need to make a website respects, by which propose and put officially on the market, the next sequence step will be to buy everything you need to be a perfect chef at home, ie knives, cutting boards, bowls and bowls of various sizes, pots and pans Large cook great pasta and Sautee status of an at-will, all sorts of tools that will make me more able, because let's face it, the tool also makes skillful in the kitchen, we would not like a mechanic without a wrench, like a scalpel ... and without cirurgo I could continue indefinitely ...

To do this I need a name to give to my small business, then I ask you who read me suggestions, I want a nice name, who is immediately recognizable for guidance and that makes what I do ... free your imagination and courage, I am looking forward to!!


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