Thursday, December 23, 2010

Killington Snow Tubing Vermont

Oh oh oh ... Merry Christmas!

I leave you my most sincere wishes for happy holidays.
May this Christmas be for you full of love and serenity!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Get Sims 2 Pets Mac Free

And finally ... Relay

big news today: 2 say 2 post in one day!
'm not crazy ... but half malatuccia yes!
are home to an unfortunate intestinal virus that has made me see the green mice during the weekend ... now I continue to improve and I'm home until Wednesday!
So ... eh eh eh ... here I am!
Yes, it was a threat! ^______^
So where do we start? I start from the simplest thing that I realized:
Facileeeeee! The pendant was beautiful and already done! It was a pin!
Since I do not like to wear pins, I turned into a pendant.
The only thing we are crazy to find the chain was the right size and right color (dark gray).
The only chains that I found would have been good to stop the bike in a parking lot! O____O

Now earrings and bracelet:
See? He also began to develop the picture ... I'm expanding!
still a bit 'and I do not riconascerete more! AH Ah, ah, ah!

Now another pendant I had in the works for about six months because I did not understand how to do it:
I think the filigree was actually ... a buckle in the central pin (I had to cut from one side) I inserted a resin faceted amber.

And finally I got some earrings to match to a pearl necklace received from Lucia.
This is the necklace:
And these earrings:

pearls, by a miracle, are UGUALIIIIIIIII!

And since I named Lucy, I can not show you the beautiful thought that was against me: as a gift for Christmas I gave her a beautiful bracelet:
our Lucia Fantastic!
Thanks my friend!

Ok, now I leave you and go and cook a bit 'of white rice ... wow ... someone wants to come with me to eat this delicacy??
I knew it!! ^____^
you soon! Nunzia

Ikusa Otome Suvia Vostfr Streaming

of the ten questions ...


Torno instigated by of Faith blog Pietrincanto to answer some little questions ...
premise that, cmq both are innocent and that story has now lapsed ...

Step to answer: 1-

me to sell your soul for? ... Selling
... maybe hire out for a while '... for someone who puts things right ... Well I'll be ironed Abnormal iron but I love what I hate having to put all right then!

2-I once stole a ...?
I've already told. But again I have to confess ... I stole some candy that my grandmother kept well locked in her room ... I still remember the sermon of glom ... my mom!

3-I lied about? ...
not .. I can do it ... I can tell small lies, I read it in my face ... paro paro lie shamelessly: nonglielapossofa '!

4-was not good or right, but it was fun ...?
here ... I could not tell ... that means I still have to do something in life?? O__O .. meditate ...

5-lui/lei deserved it? ...
... I think so! Tiè! ... But what?? .... You talking about?? Boh!

6-my favorite vampire is ...?
Angel (played by David Boreanaz) of the eponymous series and saw for the first time in the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... ____ ♥ ♥ ... I think he'd bite you! ^____^

7-willingly kill whom? ...
.. Tells me I've lost my balance when I'm GUARANTEED of pounds more! MENTITEEEEEEE NOT! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

8-il/la...nero/a I really like ...
black color for clothes and accessories I really like is so elegant ... e. ...... streamlines! ... Exactly ...

9-consider whether cannibalism? ..
If I were an animal, but until they growl ... you are all safe !!!^______^

10-people because I fear? ..
I do not think anyone would fear me ... I tend to be easygoing, unless you see the big injustice! If we are facing the people I love, so that there became a beast ... and then you go back to step 9 ...^___^
end of the question!

Who wants to continue the relay can do: I'd like to read your rispostre, though, so let me know!
A big kiss to all. Nunzia

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gilson Snowmobile Sale

Something from within. Candy

Hello everyone!
I changed the graphic on my blog today because I feel it coming Christmas.
It is making me a strange effect!
First I get emotional all the time, even for things that may seem trivial ...
An example: In
TV, in passing, I felt news (can not remember where) there is a school night free for non-EU to learn Italian, the following lessons twice a week, making sacrifices too ... and I heard the news I was saddled with in his throat. ..
morning and "asked" my kids (ergo screamed like mad) to prepare them for school, the little I said: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Mom, you be good or santa claus no gifts for you!>>
Moments me eat it with kisses for tenderness! It suffered two tears that wanted to get out ...
I'll definitely abnormal ... I do not have all the wheels in place, and I'm not being pre-menstrual ...^___^
thinking ... I think be suffering from the syndrome of "Christmas Heart", where everything that expresses goodness, solidarity, tenderness ... I penetrates and fills me with excitement!
will check!
is then that I wanted to come and talk with you ... always someone that interests them my ranting ...
... Comes Christmas!


Disadvantages Of Selling Human Organs


I am here to tell you that I participate in the candy of Ire where the theme in question is' friendship! Mica

I suggest you go take a peek!
Kiss. Nunzia

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Food Order To Feed Baby

Pietrincanto Candy!

Hello everyone! Let me point this
candy because Faith I really like ... and do not talk about the series that is giving away with his candy!
here it here!
Remarkable, no?
And just answer a simple riddle!

Oh well, maybe not so simple, but a little 'you have to work hard, no?
I recommend it. And then
Federica trrrrrrroppo is nice!
Kisses. Nunzia

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Subwoofer Cable Diagram

How to feel safe in GSM mobile phones

For the Directorate ... Do you know if your phones are safe?? If they are intercepted?? If you are being spied on??

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Thanks to our devices specially designed for environmental clean-up can make the identification of each bug, installed in your workplace and private, to carry out interceptions on all your behavior. Also you can ask our experts undertaking the reclamation at home, to have a further guarantee profssionalità and effectiveness of the intervention.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Kind Of Hair Does Meagan Good Use?

Thinking for a while '... A post

Hello everyone!
What do I tell you the truth or do a normal post?
The truth??
Phew, I knew ...
Evvabbè ... but then do not complain!
I'm thinking ...

No laughter now and then my two neurons work, you know?
And it's not their fault that it came to snow!
I do not know how to say ...
... I'm thinking of giving up the blog.

Hey quiet, not your, which I like very much read and watch what combination!

And if I know that part of the thrombus often leave comments even mileage ...
... so we are still in contact.
spoke only of my own!
But perhaps in the end I keep up the same: put that in a year (???...°___°... that in a month! ^__^) I want to return to the limelight, I have it ready. What
much a blog is not as fresh fish, stink after 3 days (or is the guest? ... Or is the guest who takes a fish? ... Mumble mumble ... but not digress, it should be!), and there is not the end, right?
And so I leave it here ... and so, given the temperature, it retains too well ...
See? I'm working
of meninges and weighing the pros and cons ... and with two neurons is not so easy ... it takes me on the third vote!
What do you say?
ask the public's help?
The decision is not made yet, so there is bound head.
But this way you can understand why some are 'no more, why the posts are so sparse as ever participated in a few candy ...
... is not only due to the things that I told you so far: the time!
E 'is our passion!

... and maybe so do not think badly of me.


But now I show you also one of my "creature" ... addressed to my friend / colleague who loves green.
Classic theme during the year: Christmas! So you

No, the statue of Santa Claus not made it myself! ^_____^
earrings are "spruce" made with delicate crystals and SW 4 mm.
You see, right?
I hope my friends like them, otherwise ... here's my new pair of earrings! Eh eh!

Now I leave and go back to lucubrate and weigh ...

Kiss. Nunzia

Sorry for the misuse (and exaggerated) of ellipsis .................................... .......^____^

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brazilian Big Boobs Old Womens

Hello everyone!

Actually is a bit 'that I think if you make a post rissuntivo of how I spent these days or not?
Apart from the usual routine of work, children, home and husband here with me there was a succession of unpleasant things, but I did not want to talk about sad things, revolutions and building ...

I will tell you of my work at home!

I have told, or maybe not, that I overlooked in this beautiful summer garden in a drastic way and especially a small aiuoletta beside my house!

say that, having no desire to do something, I put the blinders on special transparent which allowed me not to see the drama that was taking a few steps from the front door.
At some point, however, began to turn the strange animals ... and many were clamoring for better maintenance of their habitat!
You are faint of heart? So do not go
below, show an 'image that could cause a shock!

Note that in the tangle of "thorns" is a hollow trunk of a poplar tree that held the flowers ...
not you see?
Of course, it is buried by weeds!!

At one point my husband has no more right this disconcerting vision and taking advantage of a moment of inattention on my part, I have radically transformed the bed ...!

So with the addition of my feminine touch (maddecheeeee!!) And a map, so now aiuoletta:
Tadaaaaaaan! A big step forward, do not you?

And then we're going to do a pergola in front of the door ... for what some have hired a specialist firm, but we are working to widen the sidewalk.
think that I just spent the past weekend with a shovel in hand and next to betomiera do much to make concrete (in fact all about the hands of the husband) to be covered with a slab of clinker tiles the same as the picture above.
(Sorry if I use the terms "technical", but to give you proof that I'm not invent everything! ^___^)
And so this morning in front of my house is like this:

(The screed we keep it covered because otherwise gets cold, poveriiiino! ^ __ ^ Joke!)

Lately, as you may have realized by now, there has been a great creative period, speaking of beads, in fact I did not really want beads!
So I made very little: a pair of earrings ...

... and then, thanks to dear Pinuccia , also a nice little Father Christmas that I carry with me on the phone!

And then a cute penguin christmas ever seen Blog Pinuccia here, so I tried to reshape the pattern and I did too.

all for now!
I leave and run to work.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cleansesr With Salicylic Acid

Another nice candy!

Hello everyone!
I'm back with another for a long info candy of Jaybijoux !!

Deadline for applications 18 November and the prize is a choice between the beautiful creations of Jessica ... but run to see that, I'm sure, you will certainly try!

I hope, I hope, I hope to have some ' of luck ...
you soon! Nunzia

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bollybood Actress Boobs

Lucia back in the game ...!

Hello everyone!

I wanted to warn you, if I was not the last to find out that Lucy's blog Lufantasygioie organized a delicious candy!

No, there is no dessert on offer but a nice bracelet or, Pearls more fierce, a pattern to create a beautiful bracelet. And there seems little
The peyote bracelets are very beautiful and special, in addition, if you do not want to or not one can, would arrive already done by the super nice and golden hands of Lucy ...
... I have told you: really worth it!
I have launched a fish on the candy as soon as I read it and I signed up!
Now I try to focus my energies to get lucky!

Meanwhile I leave you a pool! Nunzia

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pinewood Derby Car Plan Star Wars

The kaleidoscope of life ...

The kaleidoscope of imagination as a powerful object.

I carry with me a peek from time to time, we see in the colors of life, change the setting to my liking, as a skillful driver of theater, that the strings in his hands, calloused hands, raises and lowers the fifth stage, and then play with my characters, my creatures designed to be temporary characters of my script, which I wish I wallow in my kaleidoscope.

Yes, gentlemen, I have one of my own, but are not the only one to possess, each have one, unfortunately there are few who understand the endless possibilities of this tool of alchemists, who does not look only inside that at some point we get into the kaleidoscope, there is in life ...

life, one that is staged every day on a stage and dusty old past life, wrought by so many treads on the alternation of several characters, mothers with their children, children with their fathers , the lovers with their loved ones, sisters with brothers, friends and enemies along with their friendship, love and hatred of his twin ...
... love, staged by gut-wrenching, to weep and cry, to laugh and smile, to dream and wake up with his throat parched from the heat ...
... love this strange feeling, a comic opera to be rewritten day by day, hour by hour, a script to never leave alone in a drawer to slide between his fingers perpetually, to be read and reread countless times to change the words, where they no longer have a happy sound, because they had yesterday but today they are shrill screams deafen the ears. ..

... the human comedy ... a kaleidoscope of colors, jugglers, a magician, cops and robbers, optimistic young and old whores, little women who want the gold and love me , my beloved solitude, the roar of my thoughts, violence of my frantic throw colors on my canvas ...

... then there is a voice-over narration that tells us and knows when the end comes!