Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gilson Snowmobile Sale

Something from within. Candy

Hello everyone!
I changed the graphic on my blog today because I feel it coming Christmas.
It is making me a strange effect!
First I get emotional all the time, even for things that may seem trivial ...
An example: In
TV, in passing, I felt news (can not remember where) there is a school night free for non-EU to learn Italian, the following lessons twice a week, making sacrifices too ... and I heard the news I was saddled with in his throat. ..
morning and "asked" my kids (ergo screamed like mad) to prepare them for school, the little I said: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Mom, you be good or santa claus no gifts for you!>>
Moments me eat it with kisses for tenderness! It suffered two tears that wanted to get out ...
I'll definitely abnormal ... I do not have all the wheels in place, and I'm not being pre-menstrual ...^___^
thinking ... I think be suffering from the syndrome of "Christmas Heart", where everything that expresses goodness, solidarity, tenderness ... I penetrates and fills me with excitement!
will check!
is then that I wanted to come and talk with you ... always someone that interests them my ranting ...
... Comes Christmas!



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