Tuesday, July 17, 2007

# Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Ova

the comparator

MIKE: "... you're still here little being unsuccessful, tell me, what job does your dad?
CHILD: ".... my dad does .... comparator
MARIO BIANCHI : ".... Mike ???.....
MIKE : Mario Bianchi ".... how many times have I told you not to interrupt!! AMAZING!! I tend to hit him with a whip scabby!! Now are all shiny .... call me the makeup artist ....
John Smith: Ok Mike ".... we start??
MIKE: "is in fact what I always say to your wife !!!..... VIEWERS FRIENDS, FUN! then your dad in exchange for large sums of money, prescribes, sells drugs, and sometimes by individuals, mostly elderly, ailments do not really have, making them believe, to use cutting-edge treatments and equipment hyper, but fastened her existent pain. ACULTY BUT BEAUTIFUL FRIENDS! think ... that too when I was in the States for two years I did the comparisons made buying and selling of expired medicines !!!...... think that one day I was given a briefcase full of money from a clan cammorristico, which made me do surgery to singer Elvis Presley, for an imaginary farigite instead went to the San Francisco Hospital with the intention of distorting the vocal cords, so I asked the anesthesiologist to narcotize the singer and guess who was the blonde curly hair? Indro Montanelli !!!!...... told me ...." What are you doing in the comparator states ..... go to Italy to do ..... but this television is another story!


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