Thursday, March 17, 2011

Roseville Galleria Build A Bear

It 'was hard ...

Hello everyone!

I must say, I did not think I would have failed ... this year! But
March 16 I have finished a job promised my cousin with a collar technique peyote!
The drawing I made it myself and I asked if he could please her. With its
yes, I started dancing!
View my proverbial patience (maddechèèèè. ..) I risked putting it in a drawer and leave it to be remembered.
Fortunately, common sense and the fact that if I had not kept his word, I would have led to a sensational fool with my cousin, I have always held the job at sight, on my cabinet so that the ... his "presence" ...

... motivates me to finish!

I must say that this technique worked ... and by and by, I finitoooooooo!

Here it is:

And now I'll show you put on ... just to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow is the neck!

I hope you like my cousin!
... Or at least pretend that, just to gratify a little '!

With this work I completed my back ... more or less ... and I can launch into new projects!
I'm already starting a adocchhiato time ago and I definitely wanted to achieve!
Evvaiiiii! ^___^

A big kiss. Nunzia

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ati Radeon Drivers 9000u Familly

E 'arrivatooo!

Hello everyone!
Last night, came home from work, I found a little surprise !^___^
E 'got the prize of candy Jo in Wonderland!
And wonder of wonders, sent me 2 gifts!
Jo, grazieeeeeeeeeee!
Here is what I sent:


I'm so glad I take this post to thank Beauty and the Beast and Alessandra for the prize that I have passed:

The thing that my two friends agree to restore the rules of this award is that I should choose between 3 and 5 blog to pass on the prize.
What is not clear is the same constraint: namely Beauty reports that the blog must have fewer than 100 supporters, Alessandra speaks instead of 200 ... do you say an average math? ^___^

Because from what little I understood the prize " aims to grow the new blog" then will choose on that basis! The
- Caty-the treehouse
- Reports from the henhouse
- Kitchen and kitchen Novelinadelorto
- Elsa -my country life
- Tizyspizzy

That's all. A kiss Nunzia

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can U Have Nausea After A Fresh Tattoo


Freedom. Just the word sounds like music and vibrates the strings of my soul.
is the starting point. You can not be happy unless you are free. Conquering your inner freedom is as great as you could wish for themselves and for those you love in this life. Freedom is the key to happiness, serenity, the realization of their dreams.
Free to do and create. Free to think and act. This is us. This is my greatest desire for my children.
I would like to teach them manners. Make them sensitive, but strong. I wish they had strong roots and moral principles. And with all this behind, I would teach them to ignore the judgments of others in order to be able to make their own choices and live their lives in total freedom.
To achieve this goal together with the children, do not think it necessary to make a great effort. As I have said more than once in the previous post. Why is a cure that's good for us as well: eliminate laziness, forget the tiredness, seek contact with the elements and his own soul. And then, through the senses awake, concentrate all those activities that entertain and stimulate the mind and creativity.
Of course, it helps to live in this wonderful country. Sunday morning, Pierre had wanted to bring the children to play in the snow. I, however, due to the cold of Ilaria, I did not felt. So we opted for the sea.

Then tell me if this is not heaven ...

Nep Ugg Australia Fluff Momma

variation on the theme!

Hello everyone!
Today I want to surprise you with special effects!

^___^ It will not be a jewel ... no, it's a jelly!

I wanted to participate (as long as what I do is acceptable) to a contest of Mamma duck :

Ingredients for a person (with very hungry): 1

70g sausage pasta short (I used celery cooking ... 12 minutes)
melted cheese (I had the fontina)

onion salt, pepper, to taste

Boil the water. once threw the pasta and add the salt, in another saucepan, fry a bit 'of onion in half a teaspoon of oil. Add the sausage "gutted" (I know !^___^) bad image and a drop of water while cooking, shelling the meat. (See my technical terms? ... Do you understand why I have a blog of jewelry and cooking ... O_O)

Surely if you turned on the stove under the pot of sausage, cook it first of pasta, so there is still time to do a little diced 'Fontina !^__^
Good. Cooked the pasta, drain and place directly with the sausage and add the diced cheese and a handful of Parmesan cheese.
Pour into the pot and if you like (like me) add a little 'pepper and another handful of parmesan (which otherwise the dish is too dieteticoooo! O_o)

Now you can eat and stay in contemplation calcolado calories ... I chose the first option! (And imagine!)
-after eating this dish never sit on the couch, you could get up the next day!
-after eating this dish does not take a walk, but a good race, which otherwise disposed of all that cabbage!
-after eating this dish, do not tell anyone that you have done ... in this period are all dietaaaaa!

Well now I leave you. Sorry this

parentheses culinary ... and I ask forgiveness to the real cooks !^___^
(I hope at least I piglino into consideration in the kitchen and not in the jokes!)

Kisses. Nunzia