Thursday, March 17, 2011

Roseville Galleria Build A Bear

It 'was hard ...

Hello everyone!

I must say, I did not think I would have failed ... this year! But
March 16 I have finished a job promised my cousin with a collar technique peyote!
The drawing I made it myself and I asked if he could please her. With its
yes, I started dancing!
View my proverbial patience (maddechèèèè. ..) I risked putting it in a drawer and leave it to be remembered.
Fortunately, common sense and the fact that if I had not kept his word, I would have led to a sensational fool with my cousin, I have always held the job at sight, on my cabinet so that the ... his "presence" ...

... motivates me to finish!

I must say that this technique worked ... and by and by, I finitoooooooo!

Here it is:

And now I'll show you put on ... just to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow is the neck!

I hope you like my cousin!
... Or at least pretend that, just to gratify a little '!

With this work I completed my back ... more or less ... and I can launch into new projects!
I'm already starting a adocchhiato time ago and I definitely wanted to achieve!
Evvaiiiii! ^___^

A big kiss. Nunzia


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