Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ati Radeon Drivers 9000u Familly

E 'arrivatooo!

Hello everyone!
Last night, came home from work, I found a little surprise !^___^
E 'got the prize of candy Jo in Wonderland!
And wonder of wonders, sent me 2 gifts!
Jo, grazieeeeeeeeeee!
Here is what I sent:


I'm so glad I take this post to thank Beauty and the Beast and Alessandra for the prize that I have passed:

The thing that my two friends agree to restore the rules of this award is that I should choose between 3 and 5 blog to pass on the prize.
What is not clear is the same constraint: namely Beauty reports that the blog must have fewer than 100 supporters, Alessandra speaks instead of 200 ... do you say an average math? ^___^

Because from what little I understood the prize " aims to grow the new blog" then will choose on that basis! The
- Caty-the treehouse
- Reports from the henhouse
- Kitchen and kitchen Novelinadelorto
- Elsa -my country life
- Tizyspizzy

That's all. A kiss Nunzia


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