Friday, September 25, 2009

Building A Slated Fence

came another autumn

E 'again fall.

came so, tiptoed the summer sun has turned naturally in rain and clouds of autumn.

How strange was that I was not more years in Ciro 'Marina in the fall, here is the moment of harvest, the smell of must and the immobility of silence ... ..

looks like a country frozen in time, where everything continues to go forward but has been perpetuated over the years always equal to itself, many of the same film frames that follow each other slowly adapting to the times: from silent film in black and white has become time talking film in black and white, then become a color film to digital, then calling ...

The coil, however, is imprinted with the same topic, which always takes place in the same way, only the actors are different and the recording quality ...

I'm looking at all ways to have a box of grapes, the fruit of this harvest, because I want us to jam, so to stay on the subject of despered housewife, but it seems to be 007 which is a mission impossible, because he is pouring and harvesters are not going in the fields ... we hope in the coming days.

What, other activities in this country who can not still call ancestral, and the only close in his thoughts and process what's inside ... like they removed the Pandora's box ... I never know quite what will come of it ... there is always some monster that must be addressed, but I have very Army, to my wonderful workhorse ... ahahahaha ... I do laugh alone ... but the metaphor makes it a good idea!

So came the autumn.


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