Thursday, September 10, 2009

Secret Masterbation In Park

... I came back a little like writing ...

Finally I came back a little like writing ...
... it was late July and a beep beep of the arrival of a text message telling me it was my sister, my younger sister. He said that this year
would have required me to run the kitchen of her beach ... stabiliento panic, I did not know what to say, I did not want to work with her again, I immediately turn on the light bulb ... the burn that I had recently procured would be a great excuse to take time.

was so that I could not just say no, I said only that I could only begin from July 31 and ... started a new summer of anxiety and work ..

Having taken the decision to work with her, for her, I was already regretting, remembering last year when I cooked the whole season at the Village St. Clear, and that Serbian bad memory ... but we needed some money, I would have been useful to plunge back Apocalypse, we are sucked into the vortex in which all of us that we are still looking for a job ... do not have to be the work of life, would be enough to survive having the bare minimum, like a cupboard to put clothes , just not to keep them folded in a suitcase ...

aside the brackets work, which always makes me a bit of acidity ... I keep my story.

So we decided to leave in a hurry, because I had very little time to devote to the already planned vacation in Salento.
was the beginning of the first part of my adventure to discover the Salento, in the middle of the night we arrived, my "laws" were waiting for us on the veranda, in the silent house, I want some company and go to sleep. We remain
and enjoy the silence, the smell and the coolness of the campaign.

Thus began the holiday on the rock.
Yes, because the offspring of my beloved love to spend the summer holidays, clinging to a rock, they seem so happy limpets mussels.
secret I can not do the initial difficulties to settle on these rocks Pizzuti, on which it is very difficult to walk, but above all to sleep, my favorite activity at sea, so after a while you lose the original ran for cover, seeking the best remedy to tips that you stick a knife between the ribs while trying a correct position, and behold, immediately came the "bouncer", never purchase have been more appropriate, although a seller's greed did not want a penny off me!
aluminum rose-pink, phosphorescent she first saw me, convenient, handy, wonderful girlfriend of long sleep, this was my bouncer!

Then there was the parade of family, aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins \u200b\u200band sons and cousins \u200b\u200bof cousins, the amiable Maria Elena, who is always smiling, beautiful daughters of Alfred, who have called gentlemen, as we seem old in the eyes of a child, then it was the turn of a multitude of bellies that surrounded me, MariaGrazia the belly of her cousin, who had to have a child but that at some point turned out to be a child, the belly the friend Stephanie, who is tiring a little, take another little boy ... and then, the big news NOTITIONS the huge belly of her cousin Betty popodimeno nothing that will give birth to twins ... so many new lives in the large family are coming ...
... have chased those thoughts in my little head confused by the multitude ... came back strong the desire for motherhood that brings as much pain and sadness always behind ... because who knows when and if I too will have my belly ... and to think that a teenager I always said "... if I have a son at thirty I will use artificial insemination of ...." that stupid teenager I was sad ... and that woman are now ... I think ... I do ban to think about how I'm living and what I want and I did not ... just so I can chase away the sadness and pain ... ... ENOUGH

closed digress ...

painful ... and that's how they ended the day early in the Salento area, including festivals, rock, friends, country and family ... beautiful, full of smiles, the eyes of a child, dinners on the veranda, in silence, vegetables, tomatoes and eggplant ... full of simplicity!


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