Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whats Position Of Cervix Before A Period

punturone and passes all evil ... sin is not working for the confusion that exists in my head

I knew it, go to the doctor is always a bad idea ... I said "is a violent allergic reaction to something, it would be good that you did a puncture "and I said" NOOOOO, no puncture "... I finally had to yield to common sense, I itched too, so nice punturone of corticosteroids and go!

I must admit that I no longer have any powerful bubble this morning, God knows I've made that bomb inniettare, better not think about it.

After a sleepless night I managed to put a full stop in the sea of \u200b\u200bconfusion when I'm browsing.
I've decided. I'll stay at my parents' house for at least another month moreover, was the wisest thing to do, both for my very limited finances, is the lack of a job that keep me busy, but mostly because I do not have a home to come back, just do the guest from friends a months seemed too long ...

As always make decisions when we're not understanding anything at all, it gives you a breath of fresh air, at least for a while!

then so I can go from Rome to see my dearest friends can only do me good, after all the people dearest to me live there!

I do not know where I will lead my wandering aimlessly, I feel I still have not found a port, I am sure that my wandering will be grounds for growth and experimentation for me ... as I'm sure I can hold out very little and then there will be other decisions, those from which you will never go inietro more.

Well closed the case notes (maybe I have been a little psychosomatic ... so I can say that I have had bubbles for anxiety ... ahahaha :)..), now opens the chapter house RENOVATION father ... there will only be occupied by that struggle, I will have a huge house to clean and risoistemare, this time does not bother me during my stay home!

But in the end who cares sene me the confusion that floods the brain ... prederĂ² what is, as it is ...


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