Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fluidmaster Complete Gerber

And then came the dreaded heat of August ...

We are already in the car at a time of my native village, Ciro Marina, where we expect parents, sister and niece ... but above all where I expected the work in the kitchen ...

that this year I asked for calm and professional, which would otherwise work in a kitchen is a massacre if they lack these basic and simple things, but not everyone agrees with me ... but ...

Two days to acclimate, dinner would take 30 days, too few second, but I tried to make me enough.

This is the situation: kitchen bombed badly organized, pots and pans and various piattami arranged in any order, not practical;
the "tomato sauce", that as soon as I havista I was stuck like a tick and started to tell me everything until my arrival was not good talker ... from which to watch their backs, because with a forked tongue;
then the two Lithuanian girls, who understood little Italian and I think everyone spoke English, and instead discovered to their cost that no one even knew what it was this foreign language;
Then there was my dear sister, that this year has not shown signs of improvement, I would say that if you can, it was made to transform the environment in which they live and the man who decided to marry, then
There was the waiter, perhaps the only positive note in all this chaos of humanity, to unite them for a season of work, work he knew, he knew his role and knew how to do it with him ... everything went well in the room ... if But deep down I did not understand what kind of person he was really,
then there was my brother-wise, he who sees everything and knows everything, knows exactly what I think I still do not understand, since all makes and nothing is good;
then there was my father, a man completely subservient to the cause;
then there was my poor mother, a woman victim of chaos throughout the summer, including grandson,
finally I was there, the body stranger, one who has nothing to do with all this chaos, it is only here to earn some money to spare to deal with the difficult winter months.

Immediately I realized that things would not go as I had imagined, that smooth smooth ...

immediately started the conflict with my sister, for reasons which I consider of utmost importance, such as respect for others and their job, but it was obvious it was important just for me!

And so I returned to be Don Quixote, who fought bravely against dragons and windmills, but systematically went home with broken bones, because his show had filled blows!

found out the hard way that for me were ready to blow, and apples are taken, for it to fight against such monsters, hidden in the recesses of the mind there is a risk, you risk big ...

And so Don Quixote, began her journey on his donkey, but the road was impassable ...
Thus began for me a month of hard work, so hot and so much anger built up day by day, but luckily it was early August and prepared a big meal for the patrons who came to my table.

There was the menu: cod battered in the Roman and octopus salad, followed by ravioli of patatecon a ragout of monkfish, which the rage of those ravioli dough, made in a factory to make a disability that I have timely, Despite strong recommendations, wrong the thickness and size of giant ravioli that were supposed to be and instead were the commonest ravioli, which was huge monkfish with a mouth full of sharp teeth, then I cooked the paccheri with squid and shrimp with creamed peas and a light pesto of basil, a very successful combination of ingredients, very smooth on the palate, followed by a fillet of fish with citrus fruit salad, a large final dessert, a chocolate blancmange ...
was a great effort, but satisfaction that the happiness of my guests!

Then there was the week of fire that followed the turning point ... week after yet another dinner where my body fell apart ... tachycardia, and cold sweat ... a moment of fear, but then all my limbs together reacted to the collapse, I recovered ... but that bad feeling!

'm so arrived at the end of this trip, a bit battered, thin, angry and with a new awareness and a terrebile kanion has opened up between me and my sister, which I was the rider who ran to his aid to spur beaten without never hesitate, never feel afraid, that has always protected and apologized and understood ... not now understand more, I do not understand why this is his new character, no longer belongs to me, a knight can not defend a kingdom no longer meets the ideals of integrity!

And oh well, you say that is an incurable idealist, well then you want to be like, idealistic and supplements, I will not ever have to look back and having to blame it ... so sure I'll do it anyway ... we have something to blame, but I want to live by my rules, rules that I learned over the years on my skin that I met several people who believed in different things, from which I learned is good that evil .. that is what I am, a set of knowledge and an 'infinity of knowledge to be acquired.

And so today it is already September ... fortunately that's already September!


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