Mom on the carousel. that is a pleasure-loving as I have already said and I think you can imagine clearly enough by my words. It follows that all occasions are fun for me not to be missed opportunities. One might think that, now that I become a mother, these have been significantly reduced and that I was forced sadly to change my character. Well, it does not.
I wonder why this is the common thinking.
I noticed that many moms love cry on them to be pitied or, more likely, to enjoy their unbridled egotism nell'autodefinirsi heroines and martyrs of the unfortunate victims of a shameful fate, surrounded by petty people that they should put aside their lives to turn around the poor unfortunate.
Here, I think this attitude to ruin the reputation of us mothers, however, try to smile always, if not for ourselves, at least for those around us.
We do not want to stop being women we were.
We are trying to look inside and peek in the hearts of others.
us who want to look at the glass half full.
us that when we are a bit 'down, look within ourselves the strength.
We love that smile.
We always find that something greater.
We who remember how to run on the bumper cars. We
that, in fact, we know to be so fortunate.
We who are many ...
you, my friends, real women and mothers wonderful that you are a constant example and are a real strength ...
I understand that it is not too difficult to try to be happy. Just take a little 'less seriously, look for the beauty that surrounds us and love a bit' more. I will tell you a secret. Of course, in my new role, I had to sacrifice a bit 'different little things that I liked a lot and, frankly, at times, I do not know what I'd give to make them again. But not giving up. I crop a few minute space. While the rest of my time I use it to experience the things that my little monsters love the most, groped for a rediscover a world that I hardly remember, to relive, with them, a fun and exciting season. And discovered that I do!
Sunday, for example, we went to the rides. Forgetting the weariness, putting aside laziness and imagining that, ultimately, could also be fun. Especially having the opportunity to share joys and sorrows with friends adventurous like us.
The only spectacle that unfolds before your eyes is like a dive in a parallel reality. An explosion of colorful lights flashing and lights. Just like in the American TV series, as a bit 'as teenagers, with some wonderful music that suddenly explode and you blow my heart in my throat .. And then, riding animals, lakes and rivers to be crossed with romantic boats, planes flying and rotating cups. Adventurous safari with robust jeeppette, mouths of dragons who pull you at full speed, walk on board trains. And yet, mini bowling and dozens of machines and sounding speakers.
Yes, I am, for ever, Mom on the carousel ...