Saturday, February 12, 2011

Best Friend Quotes For

... and moons.

I know that the experiment has not succeeded well ... We should all photograph looking north. But, you know what? E 'was great anyway. E 'was great to go out, look at the sky and look for the moon, thinking that you too, my friends were doing the same. E 'was great to do a lot of pictures, in the dark, hoping someone had come well enough to show and always thinking about you cold, you did the same. We try again and we will work a little bit more. Too hard? But no! I know you and know that you will experience the same feelings that I feel. It 'nice to be able to feel close even with very small things, with simple gestures, a tiny thought in common and overtime.

And now, here, here on radio siren, the photos that I received:

The moon in the sky of Nice, France. By Clo.

This beautiful picture, who sent me a Christian, was taken to Rome. That shadow in the lower left is a tree, which reflects the same moon.

My friend Mary from Venezuela, my friend Ingrid from Lithuania and some friends from Sicily or other parts of Italy, could not shoot because of the clouds. I have not published the wonderful photos he sent me just because Gianluca was taken previously.
appointment soon, then, even here, on radio siren ...


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