Friday, February 25, 2011

Birthday Invitation Wording For A 3 Year Old

Spring? Coming soon ...

One of the reasons why I love this country die from the spring. Its long and heady spring, as every year, these days, it begins to peep. Rainy days begin to alternate with real spring days.
Of those who go out leaving behind his jacket, open the car window and let that warm wind in my face and I'll knock you kiss my neck.
kind that everything seems to have changed color and it is as if seeing it for the first time.
Of those that have a scent so sweet that overcomes you and crushes you.
Of those who do not want to let get away, you would like to suck every last drop, as a divine nectar.
than you charged with adrenaline and make you dream day exciting, exciting moments, unforgettable season.
Of those who would like to run with your kids and never stop to hear their laughter, put your feet in the sand and look cool together the most beautiful shells.
kind that you back at school, at scooter rides, hair flying and full of knots, the desire for freedom, to daydream, to warm walks, the first ice cream of the season, the kisses under the stars, to juices of the heart.
Of those so deliciously sweet and sour ... that life is too beautiful ...

Well, that's how I feel these days, when billions of flash roll in my mind. New exciting dreams pop up inside me and allotment, at full throttle, riding to my fate and my life, to go wherever I want and always leads to fascinating new things to discover.
started right now.
Coming soon ...


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