Monday, February 28, 2011

Camera That Work With Fp-100c Film

Attempt ... O____O

Hello everyone!

Here the weather is gray, but my morale is high!
I spent the weekend will be between a birthday party and the other compagnetti school of my big boy ... so I regressed to childhood!

Well ... not so much! ^___^

Today I feel very serious and I can not hold back the urge to joke and so I embarked on a bold attempt .... you know ...!
No. .. not something to be criticized and even children can watch!
What do I do? Before the first picture or the story?
... throw the first coin ........... the story!
I'm sorry for you, but VE OVER!

So it was a far Thursday, February 24 ... 2011 and was wandering from blog to blog like a curious monkey!
And what he ran? ... The blog of Claudia or The joys of Happyland !
Something clicked in my head ... maybe the life-saving ... but for me it was a 'IDEA!
^___^ I also want to try to make a carnival mask ... I want I want!
Well, if you've peered into the link above, you need to prepare themselves psychologically, because what you see is all .... another "Thing"!

I started with a pattern that I had:
this and I came to an end to this: my mask! ♥ ♥ ♥

The mere fact that looks like a mask for me is already a success!

^____^ I end here and leave you a big kiss!



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