Monday, February 21, 2011

How A 35mm Camera Works Diagram

A Valentine's Day event.

conclude this saga on Valentine's Day with the story of what we lived, by chance, on Saturday before 14 February. That Saturday, in which, as I said, concentrates all the celebrations of love Lebanon. Of how a quiet Saturday night like many others has turned into a dream night.
As usual, we went out with our friends and a colony of monkeys and laughing salterellanti. We had expected that we would find the atmosphere around us. We wanted simply to entertain our kids and at the same time, enjoy an evening with friends, exchange gossip 4, compatible to each other and smile to ourselves. To do this, given the bad weather of recent months, usually choose the luxurious shopping malls that are springing up all over the Middle East. That evening we had chosen a particularly nice because it incorporated into a luxury hotel and where we go quite frequently. Once there, we were surrounded by a charming romantic aura. Aside from the usual bright red hearts and decorations, we even found some of those artists who normally perform in the street, dressed, painted and motionless as statues (they have a name?), Who personified the angels of love .

But the that most surprised us and, above all, we appreciated a lot, it was a bizarre and corny concert that entertained our kids for half an hour, there was literally delighted. Three beautiful girls, elegantly dressed, elaborately styling and blatantly rigged, with a triumphal entry on a pretty small stage set up in the square next to us, you are ready to begin their poignant performance. And so, in a rebuke, a hug, a tantrum, crying and laughing, we remembered our most romantic moments. Suddenly disappeared all boundaries of space and time. We found ourselves in an undefined space and in a distant time. In front of us that stage, enveloped in long veils of scarlet, with a floor of stars up there, suspended, three girls. Three mysterious music that filled the air with their white magic with the instruments. A little 'New York, a little' Paris, a little 'Venice, a little' Rome. As if by magic, we found ourselves traveling to overlook all these skies, resting on the melodic waves that emanated from that stage magic. A swirl of stars known and has been with us and extravagant nights in smoky jazz of American a distant dream and made us remember our romantic Paris, has left us we did soothed by a Venetian gondola and finally has melted in the enchantment of moonlight ... Roman

So the music, with its magic, gave us this strange and surreal night of an event for Valentine's Day ... ; ; ;


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