Title: "The Child and the invader", the child el'invasore. In one half of the screen, a smiling baby on a flowery meadow, the other half, separated by barbed wire, a bad soldier and toothless, grinning hell, the star of David printed on his hat and another giant, on which he sat. In the background, a night of evil spirits.
This is just the beginning of some skeches quite disturbing, all united by the same clichet. The more I went forward in the vision, the more I was shocked. There a story: the child, along with a younger sister, helped her mother work in the field. Then, a view from above the field, perfectly tilled and lush. Suddenly, this beautiful rural landscape is upset. The soldier bad, with the Star of David on display on his cap and a wicked grin, destroys all the trampling crops with a mad rush to board his jeep, grinning devilishly. Sad music, death and desolation, accompanies the image of the crying of the two afflicted children. Wailing that, boy, framed with a nice close-up turns into a look of fierce anger and thirst for revenge. A terrible vengeance that will be consumed soon after launching, top, large stones on the car fleeing the evil soldier.
Just what is termed an educational cartoon. To teach the little ones what are hatred and revenge. But, above all, keep in mind who the enemy is.
From Lebanon, not one of those who defend Israel at all times, but not otherwise.
is how to plant the seed of hate from an early age.
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