Saturday, January 8, 2011

Octagon Picnic Table Plans

Socia! Blessed

Thank goodness this year is the Epiphany happened on Thursday. So we are again at the weekend and, magically, we can extend the Christmas spirit at least until Sunday. Not much, but it's something. I almost wonder if it goes over to the witch for a moment here and takes me for a ride with her. At least until the end of pallosissimo January. Besides, I might be a member perfect. I really fututo as a witch, I see us very well. I have already said that I always liked flutter in the starry skies, and that the siren, in classical antiquity, sported two beautiful wings of a bird. Well, I'm also a little 'witch, because I usually get everything I want and if I do not like something, I can go away without thinking too much about ...
I think, again, I do not miss nothing ... then everyone notice. Epiphany, where are you?!


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