Monday, January 31, 2011

Wedding Seating Chart Bride's Last Name

I say a house ... A post

Hello everyone!

I'm here with a purpose: I want to win one of the most likeable candy Simona !!

What to do?
indicate which room or corner of our little house makes us feel special and good about ourselves with loved ones.

So I come back to me ...

I adoVo my house was built especially with so much effort and sacrifice ... ...^____^.... from my husband but a bit 'me too, eh eh eh!

Rooms I love them all: I like the room ...^___^... I like the kitchen light and spacious room that greets us every morning with the smell of coffee and milk.
I like living with divanone red hot, which is where we set off every night after dinner and never neglect.
I like the Chamber of kids ... even when it is in order ... with all their colorful little things.
I also like the bathroom ... that would be worse if there were, no?? ^ __ ^

But a year on this side there is' a place of my own, housed in a corner of the living room where my husband has transformed a piece of furniture in poor art in a multi-purpose laboratorietto FOR ME!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Ammmmmoooooreeee! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

In this cabinet I have the "ALL MY MY SPACE" ... a little better than nothing, "said the wise ...
In this cabinet I have my peak and all the material for the beads ... and I create my own little things ... and I read my friends blog! ^ __ ^

Of course when I need a little 'extra space with all the grit and imitation Ambaradan all, I do not need to move a lot: there is always a good 200x 90 plank behind me!!

And through this now I just have to have a little 'fortune and of c. .. AND CANDY' MIOOOOO!




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