Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sophiticated Knickers

projects for the next sailing ...

After reflecting at length on various alternatives, including the boat to change in favor of a more habitable and live a little above, I finally made my decision. I have been helped in this by some ten days spent at home with the flu, during which, unable to do anything else, I have consulted with the necessary calm, charts, pilot charts, pilot books and websites meteorology and navigation.

Sometimes, to catch a decision will need to unplug the plug from the everyday routine, during which, often without realizing it, we do not have time to think about anything. As for me, often live my weeks as the tunnel in which within a headlong run, panting to get out after seven days without myself even realize how he went all that time. It 's a thing in my life that I'd like to change.

My reflections on future voyages led me to a crossroads, where future options will be subject to a series of questions to which answers must be precise and relevant. I suspect that many of us dream of living on a boat sailing between the atolls of the Pacific or wandering the world without any problems or constraints, without any kind of chores. Many also dream a hammock, and beaches and palm trees on the horizon and the sun always the sun ...

embracing a lifestyle choice is not so radical for all, since over the front of the boat moored in the harbor at sunset, there are other issues to worry that, if unforeseen, could transform our dream into a nightmare. Islands in the Atlantic and the Caribbean, not surprisingly, is quite common to find, at surprisingly good, boats for sale that belonged to people who have given up the shot a few months after his departure from Europe ...

To understand what I really want to do, I asked myself a few, but detailed questions

- The solo sailing for me?

If you decide to change boat, opting for a model that would allow me to live on [in case the model is almost permanently chosen: a 27/274/28 Vancouver's Northshore Pheon or ], I find it inevitable to sail single-handed most of the time.

> To respond, I decided to sail alone from Faro, where it is now winter, the Dreamer, to Sardinia, taking steps to be defined, but one of which is a fixed point: Mahon. The best period is from April, and I have enough time for the small actions I planned on board.

- The type of life that make sailors who roam the Pacific or the world for me?
- What are the islands where you can live with a little dignity?
- What are the places where a Westerner is better accepted and is You can easily find a job?
- What are the pros and cons of living on a boat? Unexpected? Cost?

> To respond, I intend to spend a sailing boat with others, trying to sail to or equal contribution to the cost. As a port of embarkation seems ideal Las Palmas, Canary Islands, in order to make the Atlantic crossing and then to the Pacific may be changing the boat and crew in Panama. The rest of the trip is to be decided. A good time to start the trip from November onwards.

That's it. Once you have found answers to my questions, I'll know what to do, whether to sell the boat and become fully terrestrial, and change it if go to live on, if you keep my Marieholm 26 and move to an island but on the ground or whatever.

The Dreamer, my Marieholm 26, remains on sale , since finding a buyer for a boat so do not seem so easy and takes time. Obviously, any transaction becomes subject to the navigation I am going to take, so the boat will be available once they arrive at the port of destination in Sardinia, near Cagliari should be ...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

12 Volt Schematic Charger Battery

baked beans ... now the fire in the piñata

raining today, but really it's raining it's raining, you do not want to do anything you'd like to just stand all day in bed, leave the field open to depression, but ...
... woke up at eight zero zero, because we never give in to laziness, it drags the gloom, at least in questoparticolare historic moment of my life, where confusion reigns, and all the emotions are mixed, in the hands a dealer mischievous, unpredictable and, sometimes even cruel, mocking his smile satisfied the hand that has served. So

work early in the morning, there were beans that had been soaking all night, ready to be cooked, then made a nice fire in the fireplace, so I took two pignate the prepared beans, water, celery, onion and tomato chunks, I'm ready placed close to the flame.

Cones were heated, the water has begun to ploploplop, boiled, and the beans are cooking slowly, I have followed with great care to cook, adding water if necessary, salt, and then a drop of oil .. .

So I tasted them, they taste of winter, my house, reminiscent of my father, who hunched over his fireplace and taste stirs beans, because he cooks them as you like for lunch to be proud of ... something that can already be proud of, you know a tiny bit of revenge on life that has befallen the lot ... or that he decided to live ...?

... My dad introduced me to love and hate ... I did experience what is really thin line that marks the boundary between these two emotions so strong, but so destructive ... huge crevasses that have created in the land of my being ... what is unseen, what is hidden in the bottom of each one ...

And then I put black olives in salt ... but this story we will follow in the days to come, because the olives so good to be prepared before must cure for at least ten days ... I tell you!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cheering Crazy And Funky Spandex Shorts

"wheelbarrows BARBECUE" ... where you want to wheeling the barbecue ....


listen, listen ...

are in Rome, the city that hosted me for twelve years of my life, the city that saw me grow up, develop my concepts, become independent, learn to get along alone in any CIRCUMSTANCES, the city that I got so many dear friends whom I know I can count on, the city that has days like today that I spent ...
was Thursday evening and I was having dinner with my cousin at her boyfriend's house ibiza (which means of Ibiza), for love, sweet youth, he moved to Rome.

Well, this young live in love with a character that I had the pleasure of knowing precisely during dinner on Thursday. An architect

immensely eclectic and full of imagination, for the day today was invented the wheelbarrow BBQ ", which was designed and built for the occasion a true barbecue using a wheelbarrow ...

We arrived around one and a half from him, yet there was none, so we occupied the last things, like the vinaigrette, tomatoes for the bruschetta, short, low manpower, while we waited for the brace was ready. .. around two and a half times the wheelbarrow was hot and ready, they began to bake everything from baked potatoes with sausages ciociare, vegetables from the skewers, tasty kebabs made of little pieces, little men of lamb, skewered and then the landlord personally packaged there and then ... there was wine and lots of people, some mixed people curious but interesting enough, people you meet, that Tanton had to tell me.

beginning there was Nadia, the beautiful woman blackberry, with honest eyes and thick curly hair, and then the bass player who was speaking of chocolate and sensitivity as an artist and architect, founding father of the resplendent and beautiful day Found! Then there's the colorful friends, that I absolutely have never seen, the two Sardinian red wine with Srdegna, myrtle made house and a rich life to tell ... and I was there to listen and tell myself that while that is my life ...

It seemed to all be friends for ever, and seemed to understand each other, and seemed to have been in a common garden with a barbecue together, so spread formation, and many different personalities that come together and find and exchange pieces of life and enrich each other with new feelings, feelings that everyone has experienced and is ready to share.

how much meat they cooked up the wheelbarrow!

How nice to meet so many colors in a single day, my eyes filled with joy and warmth of heart, feel that you can warm up with each other without necessarily having to be wary of humanity that surrounds us.

I like to go home full of good feelings and nice people ... and when I'm here is so beautiful the feeling of being always successful, as when you come home.

smile, now I smile because I am happy ... happy with the luck I can enjoy life ... which is not always just pain and sacrifice!


PS as soon as photos of the "wheelbarrows barbecue ... even a hint of color to you soon!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ati Radeon 9000 U Family

Dreams are wishes ...

... happiness, in dreams ... you do not have thoughts and dreams and hopes firmly forget this dream reality will become ...

Hooray ... the dreams are back!!

That's great, yesterday I sent a resume, that I do not know where and if it leads somewhere, but that has given me the desire to dream, to dream ... so it feels good that I welcome with joy among the my thoughts.

... just missing the magic wand, and bidibibodibì Bu ... expected to turn the pumpkin into a carriage and mice in the beautiful horses ... What a great gift

falling asleep and waking up with a lot of fantasies in the brain ...

menu .. what I do, who knows how the furniture and if I must try what I could cook, and the kitchen is well arranged and structured and ?????... many answers and ideas were busy in my little head ...

... hooray!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Building A Slated Fence

came another autumn

E 'again fall.

came so, tiptoed the summer sun has turned naturally in rain and clouds of autumn.

How strange was that I was not more years in Ciro 'Marina in the fall, here is the moment of harvest, the smell of must and the immobility of silence ... ..

looks like a country frozen in time, where everything continues to go forward but has been perpetuated over the years always equal to itself, many of the same film frames that follow each other slowly adapting to the times: from silent film in black and white has become time talking film in black and white, then become a color film to digital, then calling ...

The coil, however, is imprinted with the same topic, which always takes place in the same way, only the actors are different and the recording quality ...

I'm looking at all ways to have a box of grapes, the fruit of this harvest, because I want us to jam, so to stay on the subject of despered housewife, but it seems to be 007 which is a mission impossible, because he is pouring and harvesters are not going in the fields ... we hope in the coming days.

What, other activities in this country who can not still call ancestral, and the only close in his thoughts and process what's inside ... like they removed the Pandora's box ... I never know quite what will come of it ... there is always some monster that must be addressed, but I have very Army, to my wonderful workhorse ... ahahahaha ... I do laugh alone ... but the metaphor makes it a good idea!

So came the autumn.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Salad Works Green Goddess Dressing

Buena Vista Social Club

was a Sunday of autumn, I think it was autumn, there were at least seven years ago, there was me and Samra, we were in Rome and was home to John.

Samra was the French girl, who had rented a room in the house of my friend, was in Rome with the Erasmus program.

were my first Roman years, when we were a group of schoolboys and off the native met to recreate the atmosphere of the house, finding our sensazoni notes, were often Gianni, he was the only one of us to live alone, who had a house of prorpietà, so it was our headquarters. When he arrived

Samra nellle our lives was a breath of joy, cheerfulness, smiles, and solar estremante was beautiful, beautiful to live.

Immediately I liked, I found it so different and fascinating, her young Muslim woman, in Paris, with a mind fully open to the world of reality, life, I was still so young, coming from a tiny village in Calabria, with spirit, ideas still in training, full of curiosity and ready to receive inputs of all kinds, such a creature who could not impress my incomplete person, I found it so beautiful, and when I say beautiful course I am not referring to his aesthetic , which is more pleasant!

So it happened that she and I we were in the living room of this, then for us, a beautiful house in the heart of Rome to spend the afternoons in the stories, she was told that for the most part, I still had very little to say, always a bit "allegrotte," we had used magic to dissolve the limbs and thoughts.

In one of these afternoons, a bit dull, puts on Buena Vista social club, which at that moment I raised new sensations, full, I felt a little revolutionary, ready to change the world, and listen Compai Segundo was a sign of belonging to an ideal fantastic ... and so we started to dance, move hands, arms, whole body ... the soft light of a lamp ... I felt full of everything you ever dreamed as a teenager, full of freedom to be myself, to do what I wanted when I wanted without agreement, without hindrance, without eyes that look at you, I was completely, wonderfully ... I for the duration of the music we were in harmony ... wrapped in a spell.

And 'one of the best memories of my memory, those feelings have remained vivid, I was really happy!

Samra, however, is at least three years that I lost sight of the suffering ... we had, the lives that we have moved away ... but I know he is happy, who had a child by the man who loves , sen'era in love during his six months of Erasmus, he recognized right away, knew immediately that he was the man of her life ... now has everything he wanted and when I think you are happy!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dental Receptionist Cover Letters Examples

Huge wings to fly ... and concrete at the foot ... A

under contruction ... in my mind ...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whats Position Of Cervix Before A Period

punturone and passes all evil ... sin is not working for the confusion that exists in my head

I knew it, go to the doctor is always a bad idea ... I said "is a violent allergic reaction to something, it would be good that you did a puncture "and I said" NOOOOO, no puncture "... I finally had to yield to common sense, I itched too, so nice punturone of corticosteroids and go!

I must admit that I no longer have any powerful bubble this morning, God knows I've made that bomb inniettare, better not think about it.

After a sleepless night I managed to put a full stop in the sea of \u200b\u200bconfusion when I'm browsing.
I've decided. I'll stay at my parents' house for at least another month moreover, was the wisest thing to do, both for my very limited finances, is the lack of a job that keep me busy, but mostly because I do not have a home to come back, just do the guest from friends a months seemed too long ...

As always make decisions when we're not understanding anything at all, it gives you a breath of fresh air, at least for a while!

then so I can go from Rome to see my dearest friends can only do me good, after all the people dearest to me live there!

I do not know where I will lead my wandering aimlessly, I feel I still have not found a port, I am sure that my wandering will be grounds for growth and experimentation for me ... as I'm sure I can hold out very little and then there will be other decisions, those from which you will never go inietro more.

Well closed the case notes (maybe I have been a little psychosomatic ... so I can say that I have had bubbles for anxiety ... ahahaha :)..), now opens the chapter house RENOVATION father ... there will only be occupied by that struggle, I will have a huge house to clean and risoistemare, this time does not bother me during my stay home!

But in the end who cares sene me the confusion that floods the brain ... prederò what is, as it is ...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Long Do You Live With Lewy Dementia

thousand boils and itchy ... what is happening to my body ..? We

Aiutoooooo ... I'm covering of bubbles.

Last night at the dinner started to appear on my arms, shoulders and face of the bubbles, of different shapes and size, but all very itchy ... panic ... then a minute, trying not to be taken by an understandable excitement, I went to bed to watch a little film, a little reading and I fell asleep ...

This morning when I wake up the bubbles on the face and arms were gone, for a moment I heaved a sigh of relief ... then I saw myself in the light of the calves were covered with bubbles ... ... ... aaaaaah swollen eyes and headaches ... nache hours on your hands ... what is happening?

I think I'll go to the doctor in the afternoon ... that is rubella ?????
... fingers crossed!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Broken Capillaries Under Skin On Breast

and complaints

We, indeed, and complaints ... I have a strange relationship with the complaints, love and hate.

E 'for months now that I am surrounded by countless people who do nothing but complain, it is curious, I decide not to do more because the famous story of the glass half full is more reassuring, but alas, the complaints continue to haunt me.

So much so that I'm working on my own, personal, theory on humans and complaints.
I think at this point, it's cathartic to complain about ognichè (neologism, created for the occasion), it is increasingly curious, must be a reminiscence of childhood, must be, I dunno, some kind of strange path which is a part of our brain, buried in the unconscious, which makes us realize even to what we can become unsightly by dint of saying "... this is wrong, that other ... now who knows how it goes ... and who knows what will happen to me ... and what will this or that thing ... "
... well enough, enough complaints, I can no longer hear old grains that become huge stones, I can not hear more complaints!

What then are some subtle ways, because those in the quiet, little direct, which does not have the explosive force, destructive, I can get him when I'll put my commitment, those are the worst, because it absorbs them slowly, under skin, but one day you wake up and realize that what they were actually words spoken with a smile, without the inniettati eyes of sagu (this is me ... usually I do not have half sizes), but with a languid look abandoned fawn.

So this morning at 7:30 I just realized that, my ears will not be lenient with those who still complain about anything, because from my sour, I know right now are very acidic, there is little point of view to complain, but because we choose life that we want, not the opposite!

"... Today I'll tell you one thing, one thing I know for some time, and you too, you know, but maybe not canvas detta.Ti you ever tell what I know about you and me and our fate. You Harry , you were an artist, a thinker, a man full of joy and faith, always in quest of the great things and eternal, never content to small and pretty. But as life has awakened and brought to yourself, the more you made your misery, so much more you are sunk in grief, anguish, despair, up to his neck, and everything is beautiful and sacred had known and loved and revered one day, all your buttock faith in humanity and in our high destiny you are not served anything, has lost all Valur and is shattered. Your faith will not find air to breathe. And die of asphyxiation is a bad death. Am I right Harry? And 'that's your fate? "I continued to mention yes, yes.
" You had incuore a vision of life, a faith, a postulate, were ready to act, to suffer, to sacrifice ... and then you accorgesti and little by little that the world did not ask at all deeds and sacrifices and the like, that life is not a sublime poem with heroic characters, but a good middle-class room where there is content to eat and drink, and drink coffee with her knitting, tarot cards to play and listen to the radio.
And who wants those things, things beautiful and heroic, respect or veneration of the great poets of the holy man is a fool, a Don Quixote. Well it happened to me the same, dear friend. I was a girl of good qualities, destined to live according to a model high, expect a lot from me, and for implementing my duties with dignity. I could take an important part, being the wife of a king, the lover of a revolutionary, the sister of a genius, the mother of a martire.La only gave me life instead of becoming a courtesan of discreet good taste ... and I was not too easy! So it happened to me. For a while I was disconsolate and long tried to blame myself. Finally, I thought, life has always right, and when life mocked my sweet dreams, I thought that dreams were foolish and were wrong. But it was useless. And since I had the sharp eyes and good ears and I was a little curious, I watched carefully the life, neighbors, acquaintances, and more than fifty human destinies, and saw Harry, that my dreams had been right, a thousand times right like yours. Life however, the reality was wrong. That a woman like me had no other choice but to age poorly and stupidly in front of a typewriter, who was serving a money, or marry such a quattrinaio for the sake of his money, or instead become a sort of squaldrina, was not correct: as little as just a man like you, lonely, fearful and desperate, had to resort to the razor. For me, the misery was perhaps more material and moral, for you ... but rather spiritual life was the same. Did not think I understand your fear of foxtrott, your dislike of the bars and dance halls, your opposition to jazz and all this stuff? I understand too, and so orrrore your policy, your sadness for the gossip and intrigues of the parties without responsibility, the press, your despair over the war, the past and those to come, the way you did today to think, read, build, make music, organize parties, to spread the culture! You're right, Steppenwolf, a thousand times right, but you must die.
In this world today, simple, convenient, easy contentatura, you have too many demands, too hungry, and it rejects you because you have an extra dimension. Who wants to live and enjoy life today must not be like you or me. Who wants music instead of meowing, joy instead of fun, spirit instead of money, instead of working activity, passion instead of amusement for him this beautiful world is not a home ... "

From: Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse ... a book of 1927 .. I know it's a bit long as a citation, but I could not cut anything ... that's what we humans ... we were and continue to do so ... this is perhaps because of my reflection ... I admit it a little sour, but still a reflection!

I'm going to make a tart of apricots and oranges that come back ... who knows a little ...:) docezza

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fluidmaster Complete Gerber

And then came the dreaded heat of August ...

We are already in the car at a time of my native village, Ciro Marina, where we expect parents, sister and niece ... but above all where I expected the work in the kitchen ...

that this year I asked for calm and professional, which would otherwise work in a kitchen is a massacre if they lack these basic and simple things, but not everyone agrees with me ... but ...

Two days to acclimate, dinner would take 30 days, too few second, but I tried to make me enough.

This is the situation: kitchen bombed badly organized, pots and pans and various piattami arranged in any order, not practical;
the "tomato sauce", that as soon as I havista I was stuck like a tick and started to tell me everything until my arrival was not good talker ... from which to watch their backs, because with a forked tongue;
then the two Lithuanian girls, who understood little Italian and I think everyone spoke English, and instead discovered to their cost that no one even knew what it was this foreign language;
Then there was my dear sister, that this year has not shown signs of improvement, I would say that if you can, it was made to transform the environment in which they live and the man who decided to marry, then
There was the waiter, perhaps the only positive note in all this chaos of humanity, to unite them for a season of work, work he knew, he knew his role and knew how to do it with him ... everything went well in the room ... if But deep down I did not understand what kind of person he was really,
then there was my brother-wise, he who sees everything and knows everything, knows exactly what I think I still do not understand, since all makes and nothing is good;
then there was my father, a man completely subservient to the cause;
then there was my poor mother, a woman victim of chaos throughout the summer, including grandson,
finally I was there, the body stranger, one who has nothing to do with all this chaos, it is only here to earn some money to spare to deal with the difficult winter months.

Immediately I realized that things would not go as I had imagined, that smooth smooth ...

immediately started the conflict with my sister, for reasons which I consider of utmost importance, such as respect for others and their job, but it was obvious it was important just for me!

And so I returned to be Don Quixote, who fought bravely against dragons and windmills, but systematically went home with broken bones, because his show had filled blows!

found out the hard way that for me were ready to blow, and apples are taken, for it to fight against such monsters, hidden in the recesses of the mind there is a risk, you risk big ...

And so Don Quixote, began her journey on his donkey, but the road was impassable ...
Thus began for me a month of hard work, so hot and so much anger built up day by day, but luckily it was early August and prepared a big meal for the patrons who came to my table.

There was the menu: cod battered in the Roman and octopus salad, followed by ravioli of patatecon a ragout of monkfish, which the rage of those ravioli dough, made in a factory to make a disability that I have timely, Despite strong recommendations, wrong the thickness and size of giant ravioli that were supposed to be and instead were the commonest ravioli, which was huge monkfish with a mouth full of sharp teeth, then I cooked the paccheri with squid and shrimp with creamed peas and a light pesto of basil, a very successful combination of ingredients, very smooth on the palate, followed by a fillet of fish with citrus fruit salad, a large final dessert, a chocolate blancmange ...
was a great effort, but satisfaction that the happiness of my guests!

Then there was the week of fire that followed the turning point ... week after yet another dinner where my body fell apart ... tachycardia, and cold sweat ... a moment of fear, but then all my limbs together reacted to the collapse, I recovered ... but that bad feeling!

'm so arrived at the end of this trip, a bit battered, thin, angry and with a new awareness and a terrebile kanion has opened up between me and my sister, which I was the rider who ran to his aid to spur beaten without never hesitate, never feel afraid, that has always protected and apologized and understood ... not now understand more, I do not understand why this is his new character, no longer belongs to me, a knight can not defend a kingdom no longer meets the ideals of integrity!

And oh well, you say that is an incurable idealist, well then you want to be like, idealistic and supplements, I will not ever have to look back and having to blame it ... so sure I'll do it anyway ... we have something to blame, but I want to live by my rules, rules that I learned over the years on my skin that I met several people who believed in different things, from which I learned is good that evil .. that is what I am, a set of knowledge and an 'infinity of knowledge to be acquired.

And so today it is already September ... fortunately that's already September!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Secret Masterbation In Park

... I came back a little like writing ...

Finally I came back a little like writing ...
... it was late July and a beep beep of the arrival of a text message telling me it was my sister, my younger sister. He said that this year
would have required me to run the kitchen of her beach ... stabiliento panic, I did not know what to say, I did not want to work with her again, I immediately turn on the light bulb ... the burn that I had recently procured would be a great excuse to take time.

was so that I could not just say no, I said only that I could only begin from July 31 and ... started a new summer of anxiety and work ..

Having taken the decision to work with her, for her, I was already regretting, remembering last year when I cooked the whole season at the Village St. Clear, and that Serbian bad memory ... but we needed some money, I would have been useful to plunge back Apocalypse, we are sucked into the vortex in which all of us that we are still looking for a job ... do not have to be the work of life, would be enough to survive having the bare minimum, like a cupboard to put clothes , just not to keep them folded in a suitcase ...

aside the brackets work, which always makes me a bit of acidity ... I keep my story.

So we decided to leave in a hurry, because I had very little time to devote to the already planned vacation in Salento.
was the beginning of the first part of my adventure to discover the Salento, in the middle of the night we arrived, my "laws" were waiting for us on the veranda, in the silent house, I want some company and go to sleep. We remain
and enjoy the silence, the smell and the coolness of the campaign.

Thus began the holiday on the rock.
Yes, because the offspring of my beloved love to spend the summer holidays, clinging to a rock, they seem so happy limpets mussels.
secret I can not do the initial difficulties to settle on these rocks Pizzuti, on which it is very difficult to walk, but above all to sleep, my favorite activity at sea, so after a while you lose the original ran for cover, seeking the best remedy to tips that you stick a knife between the ribs while trying a correct position, and behold, immediately came the "bouncer", never purchase have been more appropriate, although a seller's greed did not want a penny off me!
aluminum rose-pink, phosphorescent she first saw me, convenient, handy, wonderful girlfriend of long sleep, this was my bouncer!

Then there was the parade of family, aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins \u200b\u200band sons and cousins \u200b\u200bof cousins, the amiable Maria Elena, who is always smiling, beautiful daughters of Alfred, who have called gentlemen, as we seem old in the eyes of a child, then it was the turn of a multitude of bellies that surrounded me, MariaGrazia the belly of her cousin, who had to have a child but that at some point turned out to be a child, the belly the friend Stephanie, who is tiring a little, take another little boy ... and then, the big news NOTITIONS the huge belly of her cousin Betty popodimeno nothing that will give birth to twins ... so many new lives in the large family are coming ...
... have chased those thoughts in my little head confused by the multitude ... came back strong the desire for motherhood that brings as much pain and sadness always behind ... because who knows when and if I too will have my belly ... and to think that a teenager I always said "... if I have a son at thirty I will use artificial insemination of ...." that stupid teenager I was sad ... and that woman are now ... I think ... I do ban to think about how I'm living and what I want and I did not ... just so I can chase away the sadness and pain ... ... ENOUGH

closed digress ...

painful ... and that's how they ended the day early in the Salento area, including festivals, rock, friends, country and family ... beautiful, full of smiles, the eyes of a child, dinners on the veranda, in silence, vegetables, tomatoes and eggplant ... full of simplicity!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Template For A Cookbook

... my new

Behold revived by various adventures ... or misadventures, whatever you want depending on your point of view!

Many, too many things to make it in writing, for now I just say it's over, cel'ho done, I passed the hot months of August and are still in possession of my wits, with a few pounds less, but still standing!

few rentals, a few smiles and lots of work, but tomorrow I take off my bike and you hit the road again ... both real and figurative sense.

... various sessions of writing and thinking will be needed to describe my summer issue ... so let us arm ourselves with patience and want to read a heart.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Funny Wedding Ceremony Readings From Movies

Season three: surfing!

After all this running back and forth to look for parts, disassemble and assemble, we are now intent (and I Christelle) to the actual shipping.

My intention was to sail to Madeira to spend a few months working at a distance this winter, but an initial search for information on the web has shown over there and also in Porto Santo parking fees are prohibitive for my little boat : 450 € / month! I first renting an apartment ..

then pass to a more reasoned navigation: Those wishing to visit the archipelago of Madeira, we need to find a place to winter the boat in the Canary Islands, which are the closest islands, but not enough time available to me. The alternative I have left is to put half by mid-August as a port in the bay of Cadiz that makes the prices reasonable and providing the service station on the ground. This would allow me to return later to resume navigation.

Search, look for: found. Portimao. Another port is papabile Rota, but I have yet to get confirmation on rates.

- Stage 1: Viveiro - La Coruna. Fifteen hours with a favorable wind, but at times too weak. Motor four hours in all, and all shipping a remarkable roll, caused by a sea of \u200b\u200bbackground about a meter and a half. Anyway we left behind the Cape and Cape Ortegal Bares having a really bad reputation ...

- Stage 2: La Coruna - Sada. Leaving too late because of the inability to receive weather reports, we decide to backtrack since the wind is from the northwest and rolling genoa has a problem. Not bad, in Sada is good and even dismantle the mooring cleats on the pontoon to move and allow us to dock more easily ...

- Stage 3: Sada - Camariñas. After the engine the morning to make water, a fun and easy sailing downwind with a force four well-established, on a trade from the northwest along a couple of meters. After that no dolphins sighted between the docks in Sada, but we have tested extensively the Mer-Veille radar detector ...

- Stage 4: Camariñas - Portosin. Camariñas left reluctantly, after a night at the bar of the bar Curbeiro Rodrigo, there seemed to be now become honorary citizens ... And what about the sympathy of Moncho, the Harbourmaster? Priceless! After all, many other browsers I had described the place as nice, and confirmations have not had to wait ...

engine more than half of navigation in the distance, seeing his friend Philippe has sailed further south. Then a simple step in a couple of shallow water, and finally in the Ria de Muros, sailing. At sea, the toilets where you can feel at ease at home!

- Stage 5: Portosin - Sanxenxo. Parties, on the advice of the bartender's beer (the only one!) Of Portosin Portonovo at a time, once you find a port where all the power boats sail at least 10 knots in creating a haunting undertow. The staff, very unpleasant, there is evil and gives us a catway approached a boat moored badly. Some vessels they stop with the engine running at the quay of the distributor, smoking all the products of combustion of diesel. We move in Sanxenxo (10 minutes) where, after some language difficulties, we are given our place and we know of a local sailor who wants to buy our way Dreamer, ready cash, check in hand. It will be all true or are they just hallucinations caused by the sun and the engine now? We'll see ... Tomorrow, the wind from the north.

- Stage 6: Sanxenxo - Baiona. After hearing a report that looked perplexed force 6 from the north, poor visibility due to fog and rain squalls, the sea live up to 2.5 meters and the bottom of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe same height, we let go the moorings in the belief that it was only 20 miles ... In fact, we traveled all the slack, with just under 5 and heavy seas in the vicinity of shoals that mark the entrance channel in Baiona. In contrast, the bulletins for the next few days give pretty strong wind from the north, force 6 and 7 off along the coast, and heavy seas. We'll see, while there remains baiona to explore ...

- Stage 7: Baiona - Cascais. Pariti from Bayonne with a newsletter that gave force 5-6 from the northwest down to 5, we find a sea fuerte Marejada that makes us roll a lot during the first day of navigation and night, like a dishwasher. The next day he spent in a much more comfortable, even with a favorable wind shifts and sleep where it is easier to wind and the rudder has to work just to keep the stern to loose. Next to Cabo de Roca, at dawn, we met a thick fog that makes us carry out wide-open eyes and ears, looking for some cargo vessel that could see our route. None. We arrive at Cascais after the last two hours of sailing from a snapshot regalataci nortada up to 25 knots in a short time just after noon. Off with several layers of clothes, we find ground in a hot stuffy shirt and we seem to be in a sauna ...

- Stage 8: Cascais - Portimao. After a drink at a bar frequented by local fisherman with his friend Philippe (as navigating converging Camariñas stage, and became our guide bar) and a night in the harbor to try to rest the best, we share in south late morning, to take advantage of nortada again, this time it gives us a fresh wind and a sea as quiet but with a thick fog that clears in the afternoon only makes us stay glued to the radar detector. Again no cargo. The spring nortada there around midnight near a spectral light buoy not reported by any paper that reports an estimated aquaculture facility, from which we can only get away with the motor. Boring night but thanks to the comfortable hum of the diesel crossing a few other boats. The next morning dubbed Cabo Sao Vicente to sail, accompanied by a bench of dolphins, and drive along the spectacular coast, up to Portimao.

- Stage 9: Portimao - Olhao. Portimao we stop short, just enough time to make arrangements with the building site located in Faro Quinta do Progresso, since the port, in addition to being a bit expensive, is far too chic to make us feel at ease nost. We start without too many expectations of wind, but the coastal breezes bring us some miles to the east. Once in Olhao, after path for current and tide along the access channel, we are treated to literally face dall'addetto of marine fish, we hunt off the ground as a reason (or excuse?) the lack of seats, where the port is clear for at least third empty. We spent the night at the quay of the port adjacent taxi-boat, sheltered from the tsunami-generating boats in transit, moving at full throttle. At Marine Olhao foreigners are not welcome, and we are addressing them in a bad way, avoiding any language other than Portuguese.

-Stage 10: Olhao - Faro. Those responsible for the construction of the Quinta do Progresso we made an appointment to beacon number 23 around noon, so we cover in the five hour miles of canals that separate us from the end of what leads us to an anchorage area, not far from downtown. The boat service yard escort us along the channel is not reported, only passable at high tide, which allows us to get entangled without the basin of the travel lift. In less than no time the boat is on the ground, with care and expertise housed in a sturdy metal stand. A day to tidy up everything and the season ended, awaiting a more propitious time for navigation, since when the heat is unbearable ...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Marriage Invitation Email


There are now several days that Beppe Grillo, in a moment of lucid madness, madness because of it, decided to head to that bunch of rascals, hired, or those communists, Christian democrats, socialists repentant riimpastati PDminusL with water to churn out ... so was a candidate for secretary of the Democratic Party!

But, of course, are doing what we could expect ... a bunch of problems for his candidacy.
It seems that it is registered in a municipality that is not his residence, then your registration is not valid, as well as a good will to join in the party headquarters in his hometown and anxiously await the new aspects ...

To support it, I did something I never thought of doing, I enrolled at the party, something seems suspicious, I know, I know ... but I had to do ... mica can be represented by Franceschini, former demoscristiano from Mock, no, no, no and no ... I refuse rather lose my right to vote, but I also riimpastarmi and end Democrat, EVER !!!!! So

oh you who are disappointed,
oh you who do not feel represented by anyone,
oh you who do not know who to call more, and that there garda around frightened and confused,
oh you who mourn Comrade Berlinguer
oh you who are against ...
... psychodwarf against evil, against the return of nuclear power, in addition to the third generation that is now obsolete and no longer cutting edge in terms of disposal of toxic waste, we also voted in a referendum and we also quorum to say NO,
... against the filth that we are making to the sound of decrees and confidence in parliament, the various logo Alfano, the decree on wiretapping, the introduction of the new crime of illegal immigration, that makes us slide Middle Ages to the humanity, the financial tax shield, that has escaped me that is nothing but 'I am the shield for the shield supermerde of tax evaders, who may well bring their money in Italy evaded taxes and so magically healing them, condone, reuse them, paying only, say, and only 2.5% of the state, and clearly the same household can evaders, those who have not taken money from abroad but they have put under the tile, or in the mattress, so that behind the shield will protect you ... but good thing you do not find that the expression of a great humanitarian!
... against football in the Coliseum against the end of ...
istuzioni, judicial
... against the end of the independence of the three branches of government, we still remember ... conceal those guys. .. the LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL ... they were independent when the republic was born ...
... against the various tricks that the government is organized crime, the reconstruction of the Eagle Eye ...
against the dismantling of public education ... ..

... so I have to say the least

SUPPORT THE ONLY HUMAN PERSON THAT HAS A VALID POLICY AGENDA ... Five Stars of the program and the Charter of Florence ... (andatevelo watching, just click ... there you have to move from home)

... lift our heads to be proud ... ... tTORNIAMO PARTECIPIAMOOOOOOOO !!!!!!

... so I'm actually joining the party!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Noise Makers For Dance Competitions

ferraluglio Eve: the situation.

And to think that once a ferraluglio, organized a mega grill inviting everyone I knew, even smear ... The result was insured, as was the circle to head the next morning ...

But let the situation.

boat into the water. There is the trap of cooling the engine a little pissing in bilge, but the pump discharge should do his job. Imposssibile find a replacement. Tomorrow comes the material from climbing / caving and I can climb the mast to mount the new flag of the lantern on, and perhaps seize the measures to a bracket that would allow me to mount a new windex.

Et voila. The only thing missing to arm and then the boat, ready to go.

start once again that the cyclone will be stabilized, since until at least Saturday, there will be more steps of disruption, which means wind from the SW rather tense and aired on the Gulf Artabro. Have to wait. Here is the situation today:

On the other hand I placed a lot of things:

- Replaced rudder bar (mysteriously broken) and replaced the media straightened in the shop.
- Replace the centerline of the hull and re-proofing, new gelcoat, Interprotect, sikaflex and antifouling.
- fitted with two winches tree.
- Mounted the Mer-Veille radar detector.
- Made hull and a hand (pitocco!) of antifouling on the work alive.
- Replaced thermostat and anode of the engine.
- Cleaned up the drinking water tank and installed a new suction pipe inside.
- Fixed the PASSAPONTI wire anemometer (right now reads!).
- sewed up the flap, at least partly structural.
- Put a little chip in the gelcoat.
- Installed new bilge pump, revised its electrical system and bilge cleaned thoroughly.

Ok, that's all.

In exchange, the port is popular substitute retired because of my (more) young age, I have taken, providing advice, materials, and also giving me a hand. Maybe sometimes become pedantic, but Sava.

In the work of the accommodation shaft, Jean-Marc has been indispensable.

Even today, just put the boat in the water, he showed a Frenchman who asked me if I wanted a hand. Just saw that I was blessed siphon traffic, it disappeared and reappeared with what he had previously mounted on the boat, identical to mine, explaining how it works and how it had changed him to convey the loss with a tube, and gives the piece .

be because they are in water, but I'm much better ...

Good ferraluglio at all.

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CHEF AT YOUR HOME ... AAA suggestions wanted

I'm back here, several days have passed and I finally recovered the use of his left hand in time I would call miraculous !!... my skin is regenerated, is returned to be elastic, but it is still gentle enough ... I cover it with care ... in the end it baby! Quickly

some updates last minute.

During these few days we went back and I from London, my boyfriend from Aquila, the thieves entered the house, robbed us of our poor risparmiucci were in the piggy bank of clay, they gather enough we were in February, for chasing my romantic idea of \u200b\u200bbreaking the piggy bank one day and find many, many pennies for a long trip, maybe to New York ... oh well ... I now have gone back together and managed to start after the thieves !!... There were an unknown number of washing machines and then mountains and mountains of sheets, tablecloths, towels, shirts, t-shirts to be ironed ... well I just finished making the beautiful lavanderina ... so I came back the urge to write .. .

E 'by two weeks since I cook, I do not know when I can take to cook a complete meal from appetizer to dessert, I begin to miss them, I miss the feeling of intimacy I feel when I put myself in the kitchen, intimacy with my hands, which move fast and secure with my thoughts following the thread of the various preparations, I miss the serenity that accompanies me while I cook, it's time where I feel at peace with each internal conflict that always accompanies me, just me, raw materials, and my hands ... there is nothing, no concern, nothing, just me and so many colors and smells and tastes ...

However, even if my hands are still my thoughts run, in search of new inspirations, new ideas, new recipes that are already looking forward to trying ... this is from all this turmoil of thoughts, I took courage, and I decided to give shape to an idea that I hum head for a long time to become a cook for rent.
Let me explain, there are many wealthy people who would love to have their friends over for dinner but can not because they can not cook, I would suggest as the ideal solution to solve this problem, I would go in their rich homes with all my kit kitchen table to put in a gourmet dinner.

In my head, and everything ready on my return home in October, do I need to make a website respects, by which propose and put officially on the market, the next sequence step will be to buy everything you need to be a perfect chef at home, ie knives, cutting boards, bowls and bowls of various sizes, pots and pans Large cook great pasta and Sautee status of an at-will, all sorts of tools that will make me more able, because let's face it, the tool also makes skillful in the kitchen, we would not like a mechanic without a wrench, like a scalpel ... and without cirurgo I could continue indefinitely ...

To do this I need a name to give to my small business, then I ask you who read me suggestions, I want a nice name, who is immediately recognizable for guidance and that makes what I do ... free your imagination and courage, I am looking forward to!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Matures Sophisticated

A personal interpretation of the sail

I have often in the past, sailing as skipper or friends of any sailing club, not to detach from the rhythm the usual life, as I navigate within a metropolitan area. Every day, a bus stop, water, recharging the battery, galley and then gradually, without even trying to know nothing of where we were moored, without knowing anyone, without coming into contact with the essence of the place.

and I happened also, but many times less, to cross to escape qulcuno that in that same port we spend a lot more 'time, which was often a character in the place like other places (after all it comes to navigation sail), which was often incomprehensible in view maintenance and often pointed to the crew with curiosity '. I recall with pleasure his friend Vanacore telling how he had often found my ideal boat, a traditional wooden boat patched up as best they could, moored at Port-Cros, owned 'by a person of features typical of solitary sailor.

Now, here in Viveiro, I found the size I wanted.

That is not necessarily that of the surf, in stages, as FERROVIENORD. That restlessness is not that the inability to 'go out' for two edges do '. That is not what you can 'buy in a travel agency or in a club / sailing school.

the boat should buy it, to understand. And

have time. Leisure. I think you have much, but I realized that in reality 'is not enough. I have too little. But already 'as enough to perceive how often we live in a box. A small box.

To respond to all the friends who contact me and it shows when they feel sorry to say that my boat is not in the water: I spend so fine '. Know new people every day in port, cuddle my boat like my baby, do the work that I decided with the rhythm I want, I'll take my time, as the French say.

When I'll put 'under way, will be' when I am 'satisfied with the state of maintenance of the Dreamer and the wind will' favor. Not before then.

And if you have little time? Jean-Marc tells me often, those who are in a hurry but want to test what it is really sailing, between flights, not the sailing ...

Perhaps a little 'position as too radical. Maybe.

Ah meanwhile my identity card 'does not come ...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

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One thing I learned from my friend Sky (born Giancarlo Dossena, one of my friends that unfortunately there are more) is that of 'traccheggiare' whenever you arrive in a new port. Traccheggiare means look around almost taking the attitude of a detective, look, we find all that could be useful at the moment and to an eventual return. Find services, people, objects, such as mechanics, shipchandler, moorings, weather boards, spot wi-fi ...

And it works.

While I am going to program the navigation of this year I met Jean-Marc, a person who has already made the path 'inverse' compared to what I would do, and as a part of Nice and winter boat Viveiro to land here. It 'an inexhaustible mine of information since this has made navigation easy stages, visiting most of the major ports, almost always having the wind in your face.

And then, my destination? Madeira? No Madeira? When? How? Where? For now, I have yet to decide. Moreover I have not finished traccheggiare ...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Replace Capaciter Switch Coleman Furnace

Season three: a first impact

And luckily I had come up with the idea that there was only some work to do ... The list included: Mounting mast winch for mainsail halyard, light assembly 360 ° head Aber, LIEA control shaft (water is also sailing and would not trust to leave the boat unattended in water for a couple of month or so ...) and a nice pitta antifouling. Ah, yes, even the assembly of the Mer-Veille, four screws and two wires on the cross ... Instead

arrival and I am the tiller disappeared and steel supports were ripped off. Luis, the site claimed that it was a storm and, since I had tied the bar, everything came apart. He, meanwhile has built a new bar that suggests to me, cost me a lot.

Il Dreamer a Viveiro!

Now, how did a minimum of wave (see Google maps to see how ridossato port) to bend the two supports in stainless steel 5 mm thick, I can not explain.

Some nearby boat has made some risky maneuver? Someone played with the travel lift the bumper cars? The fact is that I am now 400-500 eurini more to pay and supports to be straightened by hand.

But not everything goes wrong: the Peugeot dealer is patched with the discharge of my 106 pieces of the broom around, and at least this will cost me less than in Italy. Meanwhile

one hour and no rain and wind until Monday (see grib data) is exactly the opposite of my course designed. Oh well.

forgot: I forgot the ID card at home.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cute Sayings For Onesies Blog

preparations for season three!

After the first two seasons as the port to mount and dismount in navigation (now exaggerating!) The boat is almost in place, though it may be a boat (boat owners here and I will understand).

remain to be done a few things that I should take away a lot of time. In no particular order:

-Solving a problem of infiltration of water from the shaft (ok, this is a scab)
-Install new navigation light at the masthead
-Fit two new winch shaft for the halyards
-hull Mount Mer-veille
-Mount the motor thermostat

This, unless complications. And check

tuttoquanto, of course. I expect to reach the boat by car, so you can find all the necessary equipment here in Italy with the necessary calm.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Australianas Empelotas

Italian Association Marieholm 26? Creiamola!

I am the sole owner of an Italian Marieholm 26? I guess not ...

On page navigation of my site find some pictures of my boat and a path of navigation that I made. If you too have a 26 Marieholm, contact me!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Does Anybody Have Free Sport Channels

Season Two: La Roche Bernard - Viveiro

I have yet to gather the material and finish writing the post. Meanwhile, here's the video of the crossing from Les Sables d'Olonne to Santander. Enjoy!

Monday, March 9, 2009

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Season One: Lelystad - La Roche Bernard

After an early check in April, we are in the complicated stage of the season. There would, in hindsight, ten thousand things to do, but we must mediate, or the departure would be delayed and postponed indefinitely ...

So, first of all, the important things, and only those. At the bow of a new rollafiocco Trinca, a Profurl C290, and the genoa amended accordingly. Reinforcements to the crosses, which showed signs of weakening. A general simplification of the electrical system to avoid short (!) And via the circuit 220, as well as the plant heating. The bow door is leaking, then the basis of gray tape, it seems impossible to find another one ...

This, for short. In fact a lot of elbow grease was used for other things ... taaante

I reached my friend Stephen, and then with Christelle (my girlfriend) we are three. We sail without difficulty and Amsterdam (which, moreover, is a spit) and Christelle landed here. With Stephen, syrupy summer wettest of the century (!) And sail as much as possible, even when the weather is unfavorable, we decide to opt for a detour inland.

A Lelystad

touch on the ports of: Ijmuiden, Scheveningen, Stellendam, Brusinisse (birraaaa!), Vlissingen, Ostend, Dunkirk and Dieppe. We are always close to the wind and rains often, the sky is gray and mud-colored water. But the beer is doppiomalto! What you want?

A Dieppe, change of crew, Christelle arrives. And also change the shaft, then we have to pull the boat to dry ... Then off to Cherbourg, Sark, Paimpol, L'Aber-Wrac'h (won with difficulty, the autopilot died and 35 knots in the face ..), the Raz Blanchard, Camaret-sur-mer, the Raz de Sein, Groix Island, Belle-Ile, La Turballe and finally La Roche Bernard. While browsing a certain number of meetings including Glenans, the Belem, and greet us all unbelievers See a flag of the Italian navy in those parts ...

decide to stop here, as Alain, an uncle of Christelle has a shipyard, we propose to take charge of the boat. This will make it easier to plan and carry out the actions we have planned in the light of the needs that emerged during the voyage. But things go in a different way, going home to raise money and pass on the season two ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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I'm an Italian, currently engaged in sailing from Holland to a still ill-defined goal on a Swedish boat, a 26 Marieholm named Dreamer. So far I have sailed along the coasts of Holland, Belgium, France and Spain up to the Rias, Viveiro. Search time off from work, once occupied the ground to earn what little money I needed for the next season of navigation.

I am sailing in the second half of 2000. During all this time, started from small sailing on Lake Maggiore, I did grow my experience attending courses at Pegasovela, and Granlasco Orzaminore, obtaining a boating license and sailing in the Mediterranean.

From 2005 to 2007 I worked throughout the summer as skipper and instructor in Sardinia and I worked on the same business, though marginally, for the rest of the year, making live with my schedule information.

In February 2008, after long sought information to decide what was the boat fits my needs browsing and purchasing costs and management, I purchased a Lelystad Marieholm 26, 1977 [sail number 103] with whom I sailed the summers of 2007 and 2008.

for the future I plan to sail between the islands of the Atlantic next to Europe and Africa [Azores, Madeira, Canaries and Cape Verde], and who knows, maybe cross to the West Indies ...